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Stwórz profil
Salma M.
- Kobieta, 19 lat
- Pełny etat
- Doświadczenie: 1-2 lata
- Wynagrodzenie:
- Suwałki
- Sprzątanie mieszkania lub domu, Sprzątanie biura, Prace ogrodnicze, Inne usługi
- Potwierdzony adres e-mail
przetłumacz na język polski
I am a native English speaker, born and raised in the UK, with a passion for teaching English as a foreign language (ESL). I have gained valuable experience by helping manage my father’s business, where I grew his social media presence and created engaging content to build an online community. My responsibilities also included basic accounting and budgeting, which has helped me develop solid financial management skills.
I lived in Algeria for two years and now reside abroad, but I’m excited to return to the UK to pursue new professional opportunities. I’m conversational in French, though I’m not fully fluent yet, and enjoy learning new languages in my free time.
Outside of work, I’m active and enjoy going to the gym and swimming. I also have a strong interest in photography, which has helped me develop a creative eye and attention to detail. I’m looking forward to applying my skills in a new role and continuing to grow both personally and professionally. I’m particularly interested in positions that allow me to connect with people and make a positive impact, as well as those that provide opportunities to expand my skill set.
- Niepaląca/y
- Obecność zwierząt
- Prawo jazdy
- Możliwa praca z zamieszkaniem
- Sprzątanie mieszkania lub domu
- Sprzątanie biura
- Sprzątanie po remoncie
- Mycie okien
- Robienie zakupów
- Gotowanie
- Pranie
- Prasowanie
- Prace ogrodnicze
- Koszenie trawy
- Sprzątanie grobów
- Inne usługi do negocjacji
- Angielski / Ojczysty
- Polski / Zaawansowany
- Inny / Zaawansowany