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Stwórz profil

Marianne G.
- Kobieta, 60 lat
- Część etatu
- Doświadczenie: 2-5 lat
- Wynagrodzenie:
- Gniew
- Sprzątanie mieszkania lub domu, Inne usługi
- Potwierdzony adres e-mail
przetłumacz na język polski
I have polish citizenship and now live in Poland with my husband. I can speak and understand a little Polish ,getting better with practice. I am currently not working . I took early retirement from the bank I worked at in the UK for 35 years and moved to Poland april2023
- Niepaląca/y
- Obecność zwierząt
- Prawo jazdy
- Możliwa praca z zamieszkaniem
- Sprzątanie mieszkania lub domu
- Sprzątanie biura
- Sprzątanie po remoncie
- Mycie okien
- Robienie zakupów
- Gotowanie
- Pranie
- Prasowanie
- Prace ogrodnicze
- Koszenie trawy
- Sprzątanie grobów
- Inne usługi do negocjacji
- Angielski / Ojczysty
My father was Polish and I have Polish citizenship. I took early retirement from the bank I worked at in England, for 35 years in order that I could move to Poland. My husband and I moved here in April2023. I have 2 dogs and a cat that I brought with me from England and now have a few outdoor cats that seem to have came with the house that we bought. I am friendly and enjoy meeting new people.